
The following links are articles that have been published about my personal experiences with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and my accomplishments since my brain injury:

Theoretical foundations: Developing a system of services for students with brain injury.

Enhancing Recovery of Function after Traumatic Brain Injury

Post-Gazette Article: She’s Still Fighting for Recovery

A Glimpse into My TBI: A Survivor and Educator’s Perspective by Katherine Kimes, EdD

The Pittsburgh Press: Never Give Up

Solutions for our future

West Virginia Wesleyan Sundial: In the Blink of an Eye

The George Washington University, New Directions, Extraordinary Courage

A Living Grief

The following link is to my consulting business that advocates for educational services for students with acquired brain injury (ABI).  ABI Education Services, LLC provides training, consultation, educational supports and services and coaching services for children/adolescents with ABI and to the school districts responsible for providing an appropriate education to these students:


ABI Education Services, LLC